Wednesday, May 24, 2006

24May2006 Wednesday - GM! Info regdg yfechennai's blogspot

Hi Friend,

Avery Good Morning to you to start your day's work.

A small piece of info i would like to share with you today is :

Hi,The blogspot for YFE chennai has been started. You can be a part of building a better society..plspass this on as much as you can.. I think its for agood cause..and today Infosys joined them..

Thanks to my friend Kalyan for letting me know this.

And a sardar jeeee joke for you:

Aaj Tak" gets news that 100 sardars are killed in a train accident at Amritsar station. Only one Sardar left alive. The correspondent goes to the Sardarji and the conversation between them goes as follows:

Correspondent: How did this happen?

Sardarji: Well, all the 200 people were waiting for the train. They were standing on the platform. Then there was this announcement that the train is arriving on platform number 2. They got scared to know that the train is arriving on the platform and hence they jumped onto the tracks to save themselves. The announcement was misleading. The train arrived on the track and you can see the result.

Correspondent: Well, I guess, you must be the intelligent Sardarji. Why did you not jump onto the tracks?

Sardarji: I was actually trying to commit suicide. I was waiting for the train on the tracks. When I heard that the train is arriving on the platform, I climbed up....

Have a nice day ahead!

Raghavan alias Saravanan M.
[24May2006 Wednesday 9:04 AM IST]

"Only those who dare to go far, Can only tell how far one could go." - Anonymous


Blogger Inquiring Mind said...

I think, we should stop passing sardaji jokes. It was a cruelty against a certain section of society. They may be innocent, or not that much clever, but that doesnt amount to teasing and insulting them.

No doubt, sardarji's were the bravest men in india. They have occupies important positions in our government.

Let's stop passing sardarji's joke with this.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger Raghavan alias Saravanan M said...

hi senthil,

first of all thanks for sharing your point of views..

well, i am also personally having the same feeling.. in the sense, "everybody is individually unique and possess their own talents"..

even i m moving with some of sardars as a good friend..

its just a fun.. fun.. mere fun.. there is nothing more to it.. you know one thing.. i have heard of it.. whether you had or not....

"Once there was a similar qn aksed to a sardar about their community being teased", he replied, "he felt good indeed because of their society people are laughing, enjoying.. for which they are proud of themselves" [the phrase could differ].

Apart from that i was told that Sardar's are more brilliants and intelligents.

So its all about just having fun! nothing more.. its my perception...

I feel my views are convincing enough...

neways, thanks dude..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:35:00 PM  

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